Free CBSA OTEE Practice Tests
Free OACP Practice Tests
Free CritiCall Practice Tests
Free Perfex Practice Tests
Free CFAT Practice Tests


Award-Winning Emergency Services Career Coach
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The ONLY Certified Emergency Services Career Specialist in the World


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Prepare for the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police OACP Certificate

FREE OACP Practice Test and Preparation
Over 1500 practice questions.

Police Behavioural Interview Preparation

Recruiters for law enforcement agencies often employ the competency-based interview.  This form of interview is devised to make the process as objective as possible.

Our one-on-one police behavioural interview coaching package will prepare you.  Our interview strategist will help you to develop you behavioural interview answers.

FREE Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) Practice

Our CFAT test tutoring package will help you prepare for the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test by providing you with specific tutoring modules, practice CFAT tests and complete solutions to the CFAT practice tests.  Your practice test results will be emailed to you so that you can monitor your progress.

FREE Perfex Practice Tests

The Perfex test is a multitasking test meant to assess a candidate’s dispatching skills:   Writing, reading, memory, responsiveness, map reading, listening, dexterity and multitasking.  The test involves an answer key on which the candidate will handwrite their answers and a multitasking machine on which the candidate will move objects around.  

FREE CritiCall Dispatch Test Preparation

The Criticall, 911 dispatch test is a computerized pre-employment test used to measure the person's underlying skills and abilities before any training they might receive if they are hired as a public safety dispatcher or call taker.  


Cover Letter & Resume Service with Amy Britta Watt, the only Certified Emergency Services Resume Strategist in the world.

Why choose a Certified Resume Strategist?

As a Certified Resume Strategist and specialist in the field of law enforcement, we know what to include, what not to include, and the type of perspective to use in your cover letter and resume. Ultimately our goal is to provide you with the greatest possible chance of obtaining a career in law enforcement. 

Often police recruiters are confronted with a mountain of cover letters and resumes. Police recruiters have the task of reducing the pile of resumes to a shortlist of potential candidates.

Get Started Now!